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Articoli per WebOs Nation (Pre - central)
Di Alex (del 23/02/2012 @ 08:06:37, in Help Informatico, linkato 2485 volte)

L'articolo di seguito (in realtà due) sono prove per iscrivermi come redattore presso WebOs Nation, in ogni caso credo sia interessante anche per gli italiani...

Prima di tutto facevo una rifelssione sulla capacità di copiare ed incollare il testo in Android, mentre con webOs sia la selezione sia l'avvio dei comandi taglia/copia /incolla è assai semplice e comodo (utilizzando tastiera e area funzioni touch), su iOs la cosa è  miglirata con  le varie release del firmware ed ora è abbastanza comoda;
invece su Android la situazione è ben diversa: la selezione non è semplice, e le azioni da intraprendere cambiano a seconda del programma attivo, in alcuni casi compare, sopra il testo, una serie di comandi che coprono la selezione!

 Altra riflessione invece a proposito dell'HP Touchpad. Pur non possedendolo ho verificato questa nuova grande possibilità di installare, oltre il webOs 3, che comunque ha delle grandi possibilità, anche in termini di applicazioni (editor documenti office, Filemanager network, visualizzatore formati Video Divx etc), anche Android, dal 2,3 al 4!

Questo significa, con una spesa tra i 200 e i 280€, si ottiene uno strumento di qualità, con le potenzialità di un Ipad e l'accesso al market di Google, con l'unica mancanza del modulo 3g, secondo me non fondamentale in un tablet, visto che lo si può far navigare con wifi o con il tethering dell'Iphone, del Pre o del cellulare Android!

The difference between WebOS, iOS and Android, when we have to edit a text.

How you live the problem when you have to copy and paste a piece of a text from an application to another? In webOS, with my Pre, i remember very well the simply sequence of actions that i have to do with Palm OS, even if now i have to use my fingers, and they are really bigger then the text, i have no great problem to do that. With my Iphone, now, with iOS 5, and the little target sign is similar, and i don't have synthoms..

But really when i have to do that with Android, i feel not so well, before, i spent some time to calm my breath, my heart is pumping strange, and my eyes are making movement around the world... i can stop my finger on the letter i want will be the first of my selection, sometime, this is ok, but then?

The android apps have strange difference when you want to copy something. Is like impossible mission to have a menù that ask youi what you want to do, sometime this menù appear over the text, and has dangerous possibilities, i really make avery time many things, many actions, but i never reach the target to select only some text, only the words i want to select, and copy only these on the other application...

Perhaps ICE can help me, but meanwhile i really like to feel the little sure presence of my Pre and his super simply possibility to copy / cut and paste. What about the new possibilty to start Android Ice on Touchpad?

It is a tablet with really hardware power, with a great WebOS on it, full of great application, and NOW everyone can start on it, in dualboot, also Android with his super catalogue, the market, and have a super-gadget with little money!

Really i don't have a touchpad for now, i'm in Italy and it not reach this Country, also Pre, Pixi and other palm-WebOs products don't reach Italy officially, and poor italians cannot buy app on Palm catalogue :-<), but all the firmware application on Pre (Plus, 2 and Pixi) are in perfect italian, and also speech decoder! But Touchpad, and Pre 3 was only for United States so no italian language and no applications... i apologize...

think that with Android (and also italian and world language and google market) on Touchpad this is really a good things to buy now for everyone in the world, HP, please don't leave the toouchpad production!